Green My School | Research shows how green screens act as pollution barriers

26 July 2018

As pace increases in endeavours to meet the UK’s Air Quality Plans, so to does the number of installations of Mobilane Green Screens.  This is no coincidence.  A growing library of supportive research continues to highlight the power of natural, planted Green Screens in reducing harmful PM10 particulates – the ones that do the most harm and are at their most prevalent at the roadside in urban areas.  And that means alongside all of our UK city schools.

Green My School with Mobilane Green Screens

Working with a number of professional installers across the UK, Mobilane are supplying their original, densely-planted, superior strength security and perimeter boundary green screens alongside play areas, forecourts and school gates.  As part of the Mayor of London’s Clean Air Strategy, a number of schools in inner city London have already been assessed for air quality and subsequently ear-marked as high priority after their environmental audits.  Some of these have already installed Mobilane Green Screens – and more are committing to this simple solution each week.  There are a number of funding avenues available to schools following these audits, with new budgets recently announced (July 2018).

View just some of our Green My School Mobilane Green Screen installations around London and the UK>>

Mobilane Green Screens reduce PM10 concentrations by 41%

Compiled following the installation of Mobilane Green Screens by Hedera Screens in a school in Kensington, a report was made detailing the research findings of the project which aimed to reduce the impact of harmful vehicle emissions.

The research monitored the Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 and Particulate Matter PM10 from either side of the screen over a 12 month period – roadside and playground side.  The findings were significant.  During school hours when emissions and exposure are at their highest, the ivy screen led to a decrease in NOX concentrations on the playground side by 36% and a decrease in PM10 concentrations on the playground side of 41%.

It is clear that the screen has a significant effect in preventing the transport of pollution from the roadside into the playground.  This would be particularly beneficial to children and vulnerable members of the general public with medical conditions affected by poor air quality.

Read the Research Findings by the Director of Environmental Health (July 2015)>>

Read the Full Report: Impact of green screens on concentrations of particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen in near road environments – Environmental Research Group, Kings’ College London (February 2015)>>

Read more Mobilane Green Screens PM10 Research>>



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