Kendal College, green wall system

  • WallPlanter

When the college embarked on a £12.9m expansion programme in 2008, the project included the creation of new, state-of-the-art buildings, as well as the renovation of the older main site building on Milnthorpe Road.

To improve the aesthetic of the somewhat tired looking building, and to introduce foliage to the exterior, the architect Taylor Young specified that the building benefit from the clever use of a Mobilane green walling system installed by Hedera Screens at first floor level along the entire front wall.

The building itself has been encased in a metal framework which dramatically changes the look of the building. The green walling adds an interesting further aesthetic improvement, but it also delivers a surprising range of other benefits, including helping to improve light quality of classrooms and offices within the building.


Green Wall system

Mobilane green walling is a simple system, yet the units themselves take over two and a half years to grow before they are ready to install. The system comprises an aluminium tray, known as a planter, which supports a metal framework onto which plants, typically ivy, are grown. Ivy performs exceptionally well for this use and is particularly robust and the green wall system, which features in-built irrigation, requires minimum maintenance.

Read more about Mobilane’s Green Wall.



